Are Home Remedies for Abortion Safe?

Abortion home remedies for unwanted pregnancy at home: safe or unsafe? There are numerous ways in which you can perform a self-managed abortion at home. One of the most popular methods is medical abortion, where all you have to do is buy abortion pills online and perform a non-invasive abortion at home. 

Ever since several states have levied restrictions on access to abortion, and some have banned it, people out there are finding methods to end pregnancy at home with the help of abortion home remedies, making videos and posting them on social media 

Are Home Remedies for Abortion Safe?

These remedies are not safe and could be life-threatening. Unfortunately, these videos are going viral, and people are using these methods. Self-managed abortions have become popular over time, but it’s important to remember that these practices are not safe and could be harmful.

Abortion Home Remedies

There are types of herbs gaining popularity for the termination of pregnancy. These herbs are:

  • Mugwort: This herb is used to repel insects, as an alcohol ingredient, and to cure some medical conditions. In its pure form, it isn’t considered to be very harmful. When used as an oil, it contains toxins that may be harmful to the individual. It was previously known to trigger abortions. There is now no evidence to support this, and doctors urge pregnant women to avoid using it for abortion.
  • PennyRoyal: This herb is also an insect repellent, and the oil extracted from it is highly toxic and not recommended for internal use. It causes toxic effects and tissue damage, and it is directly toxic to the nervous system. Records show several deaths and side effects linked to the herb. 

There is no scientific proof that this herb can be used to induce menstruation, have an abortion, or treat PMS symptoms. There have been cases of young women taking these medicines and dying of multiple organ failure.

  • Blue Cohosh: Blue cohosh, also referred to as squaw root, is well-known for its gynecological uses; it is mostly used to induce labor or abortions. Pregnant women are advised to avoid this herb by medical and herbal professionals due to the uncertain safety of some of its ingredients. The use of this herb has been linked to several birth defects. There is no scientific evidence to support any of the blue cohosh’s claimed benefits.
  • Parsley: This is a common herb that adds taste to multiple recipes. This plant has certain benefits for pregnant women, but excess intake might lead to severe complications and miscarriage. Some of the elements of this herb are unsafe for pregnant women. It is unsafe and has not been clinically shown to cause safe abortions.

Just remember that all these home remedies for abortion you are watching online are not safe and can lead to unsafe abortions, especially for young women who aren’t aware of safe practices like surgical and medical abortion. Medical abortion is the best method to end the pregnancy. You can buy MTP kit online in USA and get your abortion done from the comfort of your home. 

Self-managed Medical Abortion at Home

Medical abortion is the process of terminating a pregnancy in its early stages. It is a safe and effective method, with a 99% success rate without any complications. 

Buy abortion pills online and get rid of unwanted pregnancies in a non-invasive and non-intrusive way. Most women in the USA prefer getting an abortion with pills, as the process is quick and cost-effective. People who want their privacy to be protected can use this method to end their unwanted pregnancy.  


We recommend that you avoid unsafe abortion practices, like using herbal home remedies for abortion. It could harm you in the long term or lead to death. If you are stuck with an unwanted pregnancy, buy abortion pills online and perform a safe medical abortion at home.

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Published by irinaweindorf

Hi, I’m Irina. I’m a healthcare provider from New York. I have been helping women with reproductive health concerns for the last 16 years.

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