What Is The Abortion Pill And How Does It Function?

The abortion pill is a prescribed medicine to terminate a pregnancy. Before prescribing it, a doctor might conduct additional assessments like blood tests or an ultrasound. This pill cannot be obtained without a prescription. A medical abortion entails taking two separate medicine, making it a two-pill process rather than a single “abortion pill.”

Abortion pill online

What Is The Abortion Pill?

The abortion pill, also known as a medical abortion, is a safe and effective non-surgical method for ending an early pregnancy. It’s not just one pill but a combination of two medications, mifepristone and misoprostol, taken at different times. These medicines work together to terminate the pregnancy.

Mifepristone, found in brand names like Mifeprex, Korlym, and RU486, is the initial pill in the medical abortion. Misoprostol, available as Cytotec, is used in combination with mifepristone for medical abortion. It is also used to induce labor and treat postpartum bleeding due to uterine contractions.

Before receiving the abortion medicines, you’ll have a discussion with a doctor or nurse to determine if this method is suitable for you. They will address your questions, conduct an examination, perform lab tests, and may use an ultrasound to assess the stage of your pregnancy. To get a smooth abortion, you can buy abortion pills online from online pharmacies available on the internet.

What Is The Mechanism Of Action for The Abortion Pill?

The abortion process begins with mifepristone, which is taken initially. This medicine functions by obstructing the body’s production of progesterone, a hormone crucial for sustaining the pregnancy. The absence of progesterone results in the detachment of the embryo from the uterine wall.

Misoprostol, typically taken at home within a day or two after mifepristone, induces uterine contractions that lead to the emptying of the uterus, akin to a menstrual period.

Once it’s established that the abortion pill is suitable for you and the procedure is explained, you’ll receive a single oral dose of mifepristone in the doctor’s office, initiating the abortion by suppressing progesterone production.

Within 24 to 48 hours, in the comfort of your home, you’ll take the misoprostol pill either buccally (inside the cheek) or sublingually (under the tongue), allowing it to remain in place for thirty minutes.

The prior mifepristone dose causes the embryo to detach from the uterine wall, and the intake of misoprostol prompts the body to shed the uterine lining, effectively emptying the uterus, much like a menstrual period.

Misunderstandings Surrounding This Medicine

Misconception: Confusing the Abortion Pill with the Morning After Pill

  • There is a common mix-up between the abortion pill and the morning after pill, with some people not realizing that they serve distinct purposes.
  • The abortion pill is employed to terminate an undesired pregnancy
  • On the other hand, the morning after pill, known as Levonorgestrel, is an emergency contraceptive designed to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. It is a highly reliable and safe option for emergency contraception.

Misconception: The Abortion Pill Is Reversible

While claims regarding treatments to reverse the effects of medical abortion exist, it’s essential to note that these claims lack substantiation from reliable medical studies, and their safety or efficacy hasn’t been thoroughly tested.

Conversely, research on the abortion pill underscores that omitting the second medicine makes it less likely for the procedure to be successful. If you’ve initiated the medical abortion process but have reservations, refrain from taking the second pill. Instead, promptly contact your healthcare provider to discuss your options and gain insights into what to anticipate if you decide to halt the abortion procedure after the initial medicine.


In conclusion, the abortion pill, which consists of two pills, successfully ends early pregnancies by preventing the formation of progesterone and causing uterine contractions. Women who wish to abort an undesired pregnancy have a safe, medically supervised alternative with this non-surgical procedure.

Published by irinaweindorf

Hi, I’m Irina. I’m a healthcare provider from New York. I have been helping women with reproductive health concerns for the last 16 years.

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